Patrol & Frontline
Your career starts here. All new EPS Recruits serve as constables within one of Edmonton’s six operational branches.
Community & Prevention
Working closely with community groups, EPS officers in this role support and enhance programs, build partnerships, and create positive relationships with community members with the ultimate goal of preventing crime and disorder before it starts.
Specialized Units
Specialist units provide their unique training, skills, and expertise to back-up Patrol units across Edmonton.
Leadership Roles & More
The EPS provides leadership opportunities in a variety of exciting and challenging roles.
Patrol & Frontline
Community & Prevention
Specialized Units
Leadership Roles & More
Patrol Constable
Your career starts here. All new EPS Recruits serve as a constable for 2-4 years on average after recruit training.
Once training is complete, graduates are assigned to a patrol squad within one of six operational branches in the city. Members in patrol are the first to respond to incidents and hone their policing skills by investigating a large variety of criminal and non-criminal activity.
Patrol members are typically assigned to a district within their branch, which allows them to engage with a particular community in Edmonton. Officers get to know the unique community they serve and build upon a variety of fundamentals to prepare their career for placement into other units and roles.
Neighbourhood Foot Patrol
Imagine helping to maintain social order, keep the peace, prevent crime, respond to the community’s needs and address matters of public safety – all by car, bike or on foot.
Officers in Neighbourhood Foot Patrol are assigned to areas throughout the city (their “beat”). They work strictly within their communities, establishing relationships with community members to resolve issues and develop strategies to rid areas of crime, address disorder and provide service.
EPS constables can apply for a position within Neighbourhood Foot Patrol after completing approximately three to five years of service.
Police and Community Engagement (PACE)
The PACE Program is directed towards engaging and building relationships with Indigenous, diverse, and emerging (Immigrant, Refugee, Temporary Foreign Worker) communities.
PACE team members undergo specialized training in vulnerability, empathy, bias awareness, and cultural sensitivity. They actively engage with communities through events such as barbecues, cultural celebrations, and crime prevention activities, to encourage engagement and reduce barriers within the community.
PACE team members are police officers drawn from various ranks throughout the organization who are passionate about engaging with the community. These officers do this work outside of their regular assigned duties.
Human-centred Engagement and Liaison Partnership Unit (HELP)
The HELP Unit focuses on those individuals at greatest risk for victimization, offending, and harm to themselves, others, or the community as a whole. Working in partnership with over six community organizations, the HELP unit works to prevent crime and help community members from getting caught up in the complex judicial system.
Canine Unit
Canine teams are constantly on the move, tracking suspects and searching for evidence. It’s a policing role with immediate gratification — catching criminals and protecting the citizens of Edmonton. The EPS currently has twelve general purpose dogs and one dog trained in explosives detection. EPS members must have a minimum of five years of service before applying to the Canine Unit.
Forensic Identification Services Section
Otherwise known as crime scene investigations, officers in this section are dedicated to identifying and collecting exhibits that are sent for scientific analysis. The focused and detail-oriented work of our forensics officers allows justice to be served.
EPS constables with at least five years of patrol duty can apply for positions in the Forensic Identification Services Section. Interested members are required to have demonstrated exceptional investigation skills while working in patrol. Members who are selected train at the Canadian Police College for eight weeks in Forensics on topics including photography, fingerprinting, and crime scene investigation.
Flight Operations Unit
The EPS Flight Operations Unit is one of only eight full-time police helicopter programs in Canada, and the only municipal program that uses sworn members as pilots. The Flight Operations Unit flies approximately 1,800 hours per year, arriving quickly on-scene to support patrol operations including, but not limited to:
- Locating suspects and missing persons
- Assisting patrol and other ground units
- Monitoring erratic or dangerous drivers
EPS constables can apply to become tactical flight officers when positions become available. Members interested in joining the Flight Operations Unit as a pilot need to have a valid helicopter license prior to joining the unit.
Tactical Unit
The EPS’ Tactical Unit was established in 1973 and has three full-time tactical teams. Tactical teams are ready to respond to the following situations and more:
- High-risk occurrences involving hostages or armed and barricaded persons
- Apprehending dangerous criminals
- Executing high-risk search warrants
- Assisting other areas such as Homicide, Drug and Gang Unit
The Tactical Unit also has several sub-units:
- Hostage Negotiators
- Explosive Disposal Unit
- Sniper Unit
EPS members with approximately eight years of service can compete for positions with the Tactical Unit. Members must be exceptional police officers with excellent decision-making skills, be motivated, and maintain excellent physical fitness. Interested individuals compete in Tactical Reserve Mini-Camp, and if selected, go on to a 10-week Tactical Reserve Class.
Promoted Ranks
Every new EPS recruit begins their career in a Patrol Constable role. After a specified number of service years (2-4 on average) constables may apply for different roles that develop experience and work toward personal interests and career goals. The EPS offers a fair and equitable annual promotion process.
The operational and strategic objectives of the EPS are led by both sworn and civilian members who display exemplary achievement, leadership, and commitment. Learn more about the governance and leadership of the EPS.
Promoted Ranks